Конструктивистские щупальцы в политологии
Роберт Джервис в 1976 году в своей книге Perception and Misperception in International Politics выдает то, что я бы сегодня назвал конструктивистским влиянием (см. на perception) с кибернетическими проблесками (см. на decision traceability) в международной политологии. Вообще, хорош Джервис, не только этим.
Psychological milieu = the world as actors see it
Operational milieu = the world in which the policy will be carried out
If analysis of decision-making is important in international relations, thus requiring exploration of the intervening variables between the psychological and operational milieus (statesmen’s goals, calculations and perceptions), then it has to be (empirically) the case that:
(1) important differences in policy preferences are traceable to differences in decision makers perception of their environments
(2) there are differences between reality and shared or common perceptions