Ongoing R&D
Research | Managed Epistemology (as ‘managed languages’ in Software Engineering) |
An attempt to redefine Computational Epistemogy as an applied discipline with ‘actionable knowledge’ as a first-class theoretical object, instead of ‘justified true belief’ in the traditional approach, amplifying it with generalized conceptual instrumentation from systems/software engineering, and constructivist/enactivist philosofical foundations. Mostly in Russian, but few English articles. |
Research | Model-based Computational Law | An attempt to address a range of CL problems with findings from Managed Epistemology. Namely, a projection of Model-Based Systems Engineeing (MBSE) approach onto computational legal field. Parallels with G.Sileno, P.Gärdenfors, C.Castelfranchi. |
R&D | NLP instruments for Russian legal | Syntactical and semantical NLP instruments for accessing Russian legal text: parsers, syntactic devariation, legal term extractors, taxonomy builders. Python, C# |
Commercial Development | Municipal law governance | The project to help lawyers (Russian Federation) to audit municipal laws against specific federal regulations and to construct normative acts in compliance with federal requirements. |